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3 Things Every Responsible Babysitter Should Know

1. How to get in touch with the parents Check that you have the right phone numbers and contact information at the start of every job. You may have been babysitting the same kids for ages, but what if a parent got a new mobile number and forgot to tell you? 2. Where to find [...]

March 12th, 2015|Babysitting|

Quick and Easy Bag Gardening

Bag gardening couldn’t be easier! Simply set out purchased bags of topsoil, cut them open, and plant seeds and seedlings right into the topsoil. The bag garden in this plan will be brimming with more than 20 vegetables and culinary herbs by its third year! If your yard has at least a 20-by-28-foot space that [...]

March 7th, 2015|Gardening|